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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Christmas Party

This is our first time attending a company Christmas party. The money we spend on a sitter is well worth it. There are four buffet areas with different themes. Thanh and I have much fun playing at the Casino (with fake money, of course). I wish I have eaten more crab legs. We are really blessed to work for this company which takes good care of its employees. Who knows, we may just stay in Houston forever!


LaReen said...

Hi you guys- This is LaReen Luangrath. Remember me??? Married Sean. I was flipping through my binder of friends wedding invitations and came across yours and decided to google you guys. How have you guys been? Google is great. Anyways, don't want to leave a long comment and write everything. My email is
email- me.

:-) LaReen

LaReen said...

-- our family blog

I still need to update it though.

Jerin said...

Hey slackers!! Why are you hiding your blog from us!! Thanks to LaReen, I've found it. harharhar!

I love how you're talking about food. It's good to know that some things don't change. :D

Oh my, your kids are SO cute. I can see both of you in your kids.

I'm so happy that we have a way to keep up with you. Come by and visit ok?

Unknown said...

Dear Leslie,

Thanks to Jerin upstairs, I found your blog! It has been so long! I remember the last time I saw you, you were just getting ready to move to New Orlean. Are you guys still there?

We are still in Utah. Come by and visit when you have time.

Nice to see all the beautiful pictures of your family!

Have a merry Christmas!

Restless Mom said...

You guys! It's another Luangrath family (Derek, Mari, & 2yo Colin)... glad to find you coming out of obscurity!

I'm linking up to you... ok?

Love, Mari

Anonymous said...

This is Sandy...Probably u already forget~~><
I was baptised in Utah...and then went back to TAiwan...
just want to say hi...So happy to see your blog...
It is always nice to find some old friends..
In case that you really forget me..
here is my blog..!F_xESvORGB6Ug_ePuI0UEZa3

Happy New year~~~