And thank goodness it's not a human being. After much consideration, we'd decided to round up our family with a beagle named COSMO. He is much like an infant. Without a diaper. While kids enjoy his presence and playfulness, I am overwhelmed with his potty-training, emotional and physical well-being. I know our life and my sleeping hours will fall back to right track before long, but for now I want to say, "What was I thinking!?" And yes, he is way cuter than I'd imagined.
OHHHH- he is so cute!!!
I want a dog, but Sean says that I have to wait. He thinks I am crazy cause three boys are an handful already. I know he's right. But I still want one :-)
awww Cosmo is one cute little puppy. yeah i've had dogs before, but never had a puppy until we got Lucy 3 yrs ago. and it IS like they are infants! Evan was born 4 months later and I was kicking myself for getting a puppy around the same time. You're right, it is a lot of work at first, but luckily dogs learn pretty quickly. Its better that you get a puppy anyway, then Cosmo will grow up around kids and be good around them. I love that picture of Cosmo sleeping in his kennel! too cute.
You caved into the pressure! I have come so close to getting one, after much begging from the kids. One of these days we will and I will be calling you for advice! Cosmo looks super cute. I'm excited for your family. Congrats on your newest member!
Hi, I don't know if you remember me but I remember you from BYU. Michelle found me and I had to go through her list to see if I remember anyone and to my surprise I do. I love blogging! Thanks for sharing.
How FUN! It kind of is like having another little one....lots of work but of course lots of joy as well. The kids must think you are SO AWESOME for getting them a dog!
You are very brave! James wants to get a dog for the kids. I said no...i don't want to take care of's like having another kid...if I want another kid, I would rather have a person not an animal.
Do he shed?
That last comment was by the way.
Winnie's a brave move, I agree with Winnie, I will not dare to have a dog. too much work. Since we are getting more kids, no room for pets anytime soon for us. but HAVE FUN!!
Hey, found you through Michelle's blog. Just last week we got a puppy. She was so stressed out she wouldn't go to the bathroom outside, only in her kennel and my floor. The kids were excited until she nipped at them. That bonding only lasted 1 1/2 days. We gave her back to our friend. The crawling baby was probably happy to have her gone. It was a learning experience for the kids. Now they can't ask "why?" we can't have a doggy.
Good luck! Cosmo is a cutie!
We live in Houston too! Actually south Houston area.
YAAAAY! Congratulations! Everyone should have a dog. :)
GEEZ Winnie! Dogs are people too!
BTW, someone can't have a dog b/c they act like puppies when they are puppies? Next time your kid nips at someone, you'd better return the kid too. Sorry. Like I said, dogs are people too.
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